And how many of them also have a "cable/DSL wireless router" thingie plugged 
into the wall in between?

(Sure, you can unplug it -- if you know to do that, without being able to phone 
anyone to be told to do so...)

- S

-----Original Message-----
From: Marshall Eubanks <>
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 12:36
To: Luke Marrott <>
Cc: <>
Subject: Re: FCCs RFC for the Definition of Broadband

On Aug 28, 2009, at 3:17 PM, Luke Marrott wrote:

> One thing that I think service providers take into account is that
> while
> many people still have phones that do not have their own power source,
> battery backups for home computers aren't that common as a general
> rule.
> There is no need to have battery backup for internet services if the
> computer doesn't have power.

Most people I know use laptops as their primary computers. These most
definitely have battery backup.


> :Luke
> On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 1:10 PM, Walter Keen <
>> wrote:
>>  I agree, while the majority of government and service providers have
>>  the opinion that POTS is a lifeline service, and ethernet is not, I
>>  disagree.  I know the service provider I work for is starting to
>> change
>>  their views on this, but it will take time for the general
>> populous of
>>  managers, etc throughout the nation to realize this.
>>  William Herrin wrote:
>> On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 2:15 PM, Carlos Alcantar[1]<>
>> wrote:
>> The dropping of internet is done on purpose to preserve the battery
>> for
>> the pots when ac power is lost.  This is an actual setting in just
>> about
>> all manufacturers of ftth equipment.  You'll probably have a hard
>> time
>> to get them to change the profile on the equipment tho but it is
>> possible.
>> Hi Carlos,
>> I realize why it's done. I merely point out that there are common
>> configurations in which the having the FTTH NID power the POTS
>> circuitry and drop the Internet circuitry is exactly the opposite of
>> correct. Where instead of preserving access to emergency responders,
>> it is intentionally designed to cut that access.
>> Regards,
>> Bill Herrin
>> --
>> Walter Keen
>> Network Technician
>> Rainier Connect
>> (o) 360-832-4024
>> (c) 253-302-0194
>> References
>>  1.
> --
> :Luke Marrott

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