On 26/08/2009, at 6:21 AM, Mike Bartz wrote:
We experienced the joy of using the X6148 cards with a SAN/ESX
Lots of performance issues! A fairly inexpensive solution was to
switch to
the X6148A card instead, which does not suffer the the 8:1
oversubscription. It also supports MTU's larger than 1500, which was
another shortcoming of the older card.
Actually, the "A" variant of the x6148 is still 8:1 oversubscribed.
The significant difference between the x6148 and x6148a is the buffer
size. The original card had 1.4MB of buffer per port group (8 ports)
while the "A" upgrade supports 5.5MB per port. Oh, that and support
for 9k jumbo frames.
It's still a classic bus card, it still has the same QoS queues, and
is still 8:1 over subscribed.