FYI for those that might be attending APNIC 28 in Beijing next week.

Skeeve Stevens, CEO/Technical Director
eintellego Pty Ltd - The Networking Specialists /
Phone: 1300 753 383, Fax: (+612) 8572 9954
Cell +61 (0)414 753 383 / skype://skeeve ;
NOC, NOC, who's there?

From: Skeeve Stevens
Sent: Monday, 17 August 2009 9:05 PM
To: ''
Cc:; nznog
Subject: BoF for APNIC 28 in Beijing - IPv6 Promotion

Greeting all that will be attending APNIC 28 in Beijing,

                While we are in China at APNIC 28, and as per the spirit of 1.3 
of  I 
am proposing that we hold a BoF for the purpose of seeing if there are enough 
interested parties to get together to discuss the issue of IPv6 promotion in 
the APNIC region with the 'maybe' end of it becoming a SIG.

                I am asking for some leeway in this request as this region is a 
complex one with a very broad range of cultural differences and language 
barriers that that don't always translate across the entire membership. For 
example, the way we might want to accomplish something in Australia could be 
very different to the way it would be done in say Japan, China or India.

                IPv6 promotion is something that APNIC has been doing for quite 
a while now, with some degree of success.  But given the timeframes in which we 
have till things get very painful for many organisations, I do not believe that 
APNIC has sufficient resources (whether that be man-power, financial, etc) to 
effectively promote it across all the economic communities that it represents.

I would like the hold a BoF to gauge the interest on how members themselves can 
be more involved in their region, what they would/could be prepared to do, and 
to discuss the challenges that we are having, developing new ideas and focusing 
on specific ways to promote IPv6 - without all the technical mumbo-jumbo.

I am suggesting a much less technical perspective needs to take shape.  I 
realise that a very large percentage of us are technical people, but there are 
many business minded people who I am sure have many great ideas... and if there 
isn't that many... let's get them involved somehow.

Many members in the APNIC region have their own NIR (JPNIC, CNNIC, etc) to 
assist in these kinds of matters (I assume), but in Australia and NZ 
specifically speaking for my area of focus, we deal directly with APNIC... so I 
don't know how appropriate having people who deal with their NIR directly on 
these matters, but the more the merrier.

There is no suggestion in this proposal that the many people who talk at 
conferences about IPv6, or APNIC themselves have not done a good job... My 
suggestion is that we can do more, and time is of the essence.

I am inspired to bring this about by my own passion regarding IPv6 adoption, 
and I am willing to put (and already have put) the resources and passion of me 
and my company behind efforts to help finding new ways to foster IPv6 adoption 
in this region.

There seems to be an issue of room availability at APNIC28, but if I have to 
put up some $$ myself and we go take over the local McDonalds, I am willing to 
do so to try and help make this BoF happen.

I think timing is important... and I think now is the time we need to start 
discussing these things.  Big machines like APNIC move rather slowly, and I am 
willing to try to do what it takes to try and push things along.

So, if you're going to be in Beijing, and you really are passionate about IPv6 
adoption, please come and see me - the big bald aussie-guy - and let's get 
something happening.  I will be looking at the schedule to see where we can fit 
a couple of hours to chat.  Also, you might be approached by myself or others 
who are also interested in making this happen.

All I can ask is to please be involved, and DO - rather than talk about it.

Skeeve Stevens, CEO/Technical Director
eintellego Pty Ltd - The Networking Specialists /
Phone: 1300 753 383, Fax: (+612) 8572 9954
Cell +61 (0)414 753 383 / skype://skeeve ;
NOC, NOC, who's there?

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