Really? You just say 'Gimme v6 please' to APNIC and they do.

Skeeve Stevens, CEO/Technical Director
eintellego Pty Ltd - The Networking Specialists /
Phone: 1300 753 383, Fax: (+612) 8572 9954
Cell +61 (0)414 753 383 / skype://skeeve ;
NOC, NOC, who's there?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeroen Massar []
> Sent: Saturday, 15 August 2009 1:18 AM
> To: Chris Gotstein
> Cc: Nanog
> Subject: Re: IPv6 Addressing Help
> Chris Gotstein wrote:
> > We are a small ISP that is in the process of setting up IPv6 on our
> > network.  We already have the ARIN allocation and i have a couple
> > routers and servers running dual stack.  Wondering if someone out
> > there would be willing to give me a few pointers on setting up my
> > addressing scheme?
> Strange, I recall that you had to submit one when requesting address
> space from ARIN. Why don't you use that one?
> > I've been mulling over how to do it, and i think i'm making it more
> > complicated than it needs to be.  You can hit me offlist if you wish
> > to help.  Thanks.
> It all depends on your network and how you want to set it up, but for
> the sake of internal aggregation:
>  * Determine the expected amount of IPv6 customers at a certain
>    location for the next X years, making X > 2 (though 10 is probably a
>    better idea, just in case, if don't want to do it again ;) )
>  * Take that number round it up to a power of 2
>  * Every customer gets a /48, you know the number, which is a power of
>    2, thus root it, and you know how many bits you need at that site
>    eg expect 200 customers, round to power of 2 thus 256, which is 2^8,
>    thus you will need a /48 + 8 bits = /40 at that location.
> You now know how much address space you need at that location for the
> next X years.
> Repeat that for all your locations / routing areas, basically the PoPs
> or termination points of your customers; or if you are really big do
> that per city/town/suburb. Keep enough space (the rounding helps there
> quite a bit, especially with numbers like 50k customers ;)
> Now you have an overview of what you expect to be allocating at each
> and every site. To add a little growth/future proof and to make live
> easy, you could either opt at this stage to round everything off to
> 'nice'
> numbers, eg only use /40's or /36's per PoP. Thus making everything the
> same, or doing things like grouping smaller PoPs together.
> Then when you have done that, take those blocks, and try to squeeze
> them a bit together. You should now have arrived to the address plan
> that you originally submitted to ARIN.
> Fill those blocks into a nice database, roll a PHP/shell/perl/whatever
> script to spit out your router configuration and presto: you are done.
> Enjoy the weekend ;)
> Greets,
>  Jeroen

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