Once upon a time, Phil Regnauld <regna...@catpipe.net> said:
> Jorge Amodio (jmamodio) writes:
> > It may sound too futuristic and inspired from science fiction, but I never 
> > saw
> > Captain Piccard typing a URL on the Enterprise.
>       That's ok, I've never seen the Enterprise at the airport.

I have, but not that Enterprise (I saw the space shuttle orbiter
Enterprise on a 747 land here).

>       Let's see how far the SMTP replacement has come, and get some 
> inspiration.
>       Heck, it's an application that only _uses_ the DNS, should be easy.

There's always somebody looking to re-invent the wheel, but usually they
are startups looking to make a quick buck by patenting and licensing
their technology that "will be the savior of the Internet" (and so they
don't get far).
Chris Adams <cmad...@hiwaay.net>
Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.

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