It's neither open source, nor free, but I moved from Nagios/Groundwork
to Solarwinds ipMonitor 9. 

Solarwinds recently cut the price down to under $1000 for unlimited
monitors.  Up until about a year ago, the unlimited license ran about

So for a large nationwide environment like ours, our ROI was pretty
decent, but if you are only watching a dozen or two systems with maybe
ten monitors each, Nagios would be the best bet. 

On Wed, 2009-07-22 at 13:40 -0500, Jack Bates wrote:
> Matthew Huff wrote:
> > Some of our requirements:
> > 
> > .       Native agents for Windows 2003/2008, Linux, Linux x86_64, Solaris 
> > Sparc and Solaris x86_64. Either binaries or source code.
> > .       Ability to send alerts via email, pager and/or snmp
> > .       Monitoring of OS properties like memory, disk, cpu, etc...
> > .       Ability to extend agents with scripting to allow monitoring of 
> > custom services
> > .       Plug-in architecture for third-party add-ons
> > .       Reliable Architecture
> > .       Reasonable user interface
> > .       Non-blocking polling
> > .       Active Project (New Releases on regular basis and have existed for 
> > a reasonable period)
> You probably have the list of the most commonly used. Each has good and 
> bad points. A few of them I believe are limited on using agents and 
> supporting external scripts. Several are considered Nagios on steroids, 
> using a Nagios core wrappered in a bunch of other OSS. Several, like 
> Zenoss are particular about the primarily monitoring system (though 
> agents might run on any OS).
> Jack
"Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future." Niels Bohr
Ray Sanders
Linux Administrator
Village Voice Media
Office: 602-744-6547
Cell: 602-300-4344

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