Juniper M10i versus Cisco ASR 1000

On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 3:48 PM, Jim Wininger <>wrote:

> What do you consider a "small start-up ISP"? What kind of upstream
> connectivity are you considering (or at least falls under the category of
> small isp) bandwidht, bgp etc?
> On 7/22/09 9:39 AM, "R. Benjamin Kessler" <> wrote:
> > There has been a lot of good feedback regarding the deficiencies of the
> > 7600 platform...
> >
> > So, the new question is: what platforms should a small, start-up ISP
> > consider when looking to provide Ethernet services to their customers?
> >
> > - Scalability - 100M, 1G, 10G access speeds (backplane limitations,
> > number of ports per chassis, etc.)
> > - MPLS Capabilities
> > - QoS Features
> > - Ease of configuration and support, etc. (finding NOC talent, scripting
> > tools, etc.)
> > - Software/Hardware "stability" and "longevity" (we don't want something
> > that is brand-new and therefore "buggy" nor do we want something that is
> > going EOL next year)
> > - Bang for the buck (both acquisition and on-going maintenance and
> > support)
> >
> > I'm sure I'm missing a lot of things...are there any good presentations
> > from previous NANOG meetings that one should review?
> >
> > Thanks in advance,
> >
> > Ben
> >
> --
> Jim Wininger
> Indiana Fiber Network
> Desk - 317-777-7114
> Cell - 317-432-7609
> Office - 317-280-4636
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