On Mon, 2009-07-20 at 12:02 +0000, Edward B. DREGER wrote:
> MA> Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2009 07:31:13 +0200 (CEST)
> MA> From: Mikael Abrahamsson
> MA> > With a little creativity, it can _almost_ be done for IPv4.
> MA>
> MA> That's most likely a big _almost_.
> Maybe.  And maybe I'm using worst-case synthetic test sets in addition
> to real routing sets.
> MA> When someone asks for "2600 class router" they probably also want
> "2600-like platform"
> And I'm unaware of Cisco 2600-class routers that handle anywhere close
> to 10 Gbps.

Ideally the forwarding would be done with ASICs.  The Cisco asr1000
class router seems to be what I'm looking for.

> MA> WFQ/fairqueue/LLQ, L2TPv3, PPPoE and a heap of other things that
> MA> impede pps quite a lot on a CPU based platform.
> Perhaps the OP can clarify whether his omission of these was accidental,
> because such features were assumed, or because he does not need them.

I don't need any of that stuff, just BGP, OSPF and fast packet
forwarding for IPv4.  But the point is that I need only routing
functionality, I don't need switching functionality like on a Cisco
6500-class system.

William Pitcock
SystemInPlace - Simple Hosting Solutions

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