On 2009-07-10-12:42:24, Mark Radabaugh <m...@amplex.net> wrote: [...] > What projections are you using regarding the default free zone over the > next 5 years when picking new hardware?
Geoff Huston, et al provide some useful trending: http://bgp.potaroo.net/index-bgp.html With that said, I've been treating hardware forwarding of 1MM v4 prefixes (or equivalent CAM carving of v6, MPLS, ...) as a minimum requirement for Internet-facing routers with a five-year shelf life. Platforms claiming in the 500-600k range seem prohibitive just tracking current v4 prefix growth, and moreso as v6 adaptation increases and end-users begin to realize that v4 and v6 routing is fundamentally the same, and begin to de-aggregate/advertise v6 space just like they do v4... -a