Erik (Caneris) wrote:
>> Peer1 confirms it on their status page:
>> They say power was cut to the whole building. A post on webhostingtalk
>> says only their suite and one below.
> That's incorrect unless the rest of us are running on generators now. We are 
> on the 7th floor. We are partially up, therefore clearly power was not 
> entirely cut to the whole building. The "one below" may refer to their 7th 
> floor suite, not sure.
> BTW, we're glad to help out those affected in any way we can...feel free to 
> contact me off-list.

Yeah, I didn't really believe their "whole building" claim; high rise
fires usually only result in specific floors/areas being cut and
alerting one above and one below. Since this seems to be a
fire-on-the-floor issue (aren't these relatively rare?) vs. utility
vault, I'd be very interested to know what kind of fire suppression was
in place and how effective it was.

As I check now they've redacted the whole building claim and are now
saying 7th and 8th floors.


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