The best training available on the Net for a small ISP to learn from the
best is available ..... At!

All the NANOGs are on VOD. Just go to the presentation archive: Put in a keyword to search (say
"BGP Tutorial"), cook some popcorn, and sit back and enjoy the session. 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gregoire Villain [] 
> Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2009 5:21 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: ISP best practices
> On May 21, 2009, at 3:38 PM, Philip Lavine wrote:
> >
> > To all,
> >
> > I am sure this has been asked 10 to the 1 millionth power times, 
> > however may be the rules have changed. I am looking to set 
> up a really 
> > small ISP with a few /24's. I want to host DNS as well. Is 
> there any 
> > whitepapers/howtos/best practices on setting up multihomed 
> BGP and DNS 
> > with BIND so I don't blow up the Internet.
> >
> > Thx
> >
> > Philip
> O Hai!
> I would highly advise you have a read at any presentation by 
> Phil Smith:
> (anonymous login) Read 
> as much as you can from here 1st thing 1st - this is all 
> solid ground knowledge.
> Then, give a quick read at Cisco's BGP Case Study online on the CCO.
> And you're OK to go.
> Now if you want paper material that you can keep, I'd suggest 
> "Internet Routing Architectures" by Sam Halabi - Cisco Press, 
> even though it's getting old, I find it still very valid. 
> Make sure you have a read at before you roll 
> out your  AS, for their BOGONs/Martians ACLs and peerings, as 
> it sure helps.
> Bear in mind BGP is a simplistic protocol. The pain point 
> *will* be your IGP (if you want to do it correctly from start...)

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