For those who may still be interested in this topic, we have had very
good experiences with elastiflow. The data is delivered from Juniper
switches via ipfix and the elastiflow server was simply set up using
docker. Two instructions were very helpful here:
Elastiflow itself once had a nice article
from-zero-to-flow-setting-up-elastiflow-in-minutes, but it is no longer
available on their blog. But this article seems to build it the same way.
Best regards
Am 28.02.2025 um 15:29 schrieb John Kristoff:
On Fri, 28 Feb 2025 02:40:38 +0000
KARIM MEKKAOUI <amekka...@mektel.ca> wrote:
We're looking for a (open source, free, cost effective) tool that is
able to analyze traffic flow coming from a couple of router
interfaces and display capacity utilisation per IP, top talkers, etc.
This topic comes up from time to time. You might find a collection of
options from the last time I remember it discussed on list:
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / kind regards
Sven Kalkbrenner
Senior Network Engineer
kyberio GmbH
ehemals Hostway Deutschland
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