On Wed, Feb 12, 2025 at 9:58 AM Jack Bates <jba...@paradoxnetworks.net> wrote:
> The software has no concept of what the data is

Which is why the software shouldn't be making a hard decision about
appropriate cryptography. The users on the two ends, the folks who do
know what the data is, should have the final say. The software should
set sensible defaults and then let those users decide what to do about
the large and growing gap of failure between the current default and
the often still allowed unencrypted plain text.

That "curl https://enemieslist.com"; returns a fault is not
unreasonable. That "curl --insecure https://enemieslist.com"; also
fails reflects faulty thinking on the part of alleged security

My personal pain point is out of band access to older servers. They're
well past the manufacturer's maintenance so there are no more software
updates. I can use nice modern VPN software to secure the channel
between me and their LAN, but I have to maintain obsolete versions of
web browsers and their dependent libraries along with obsolete
versions of Java because the modern ones won't connect. I'd rather
have less obsolete bug ridden software around, but the self-appointed
security experts have stolen that choice from me.

Bill Herrin

William Herrin

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