On 1/24/25 07:55, Yan Filyurin wrote:

It is tough to argue against VXLAN or anything over UDP, but another workhorse of L2 services, especially for cheaper equipment and needing to go over the top was L2TPv3.

In an old life, we ran L2TPv3 to extend a DCN, on Cisco routers. It was simple, and worked.

Some interesting stuff was done by Wireguard and Softether, but I am not sure it counts as service.

I do use WireGuard (on pfSense) to create a DCN over the public Internet. Very easy to setup, very reliable. Even run OSPF and iBGP over WireGuard with much success.

I probably wouldn't sell it as a transport service, though.

MPLS-TP is still listed in MEF specs, but the hopefully equipment supporting that is collecting dust on shelves somewhere.

Thank God :-).


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