Outlook supports Automatic Account Configuration, but unfortunately it seems
to be only for Outlook, not OE or WM.

It's a pity that MAAWG or another group hasn't written a specification for
the automatic downloading of configuration (with certificates, to be sure,
for some kind of repudiation) and the update thereof, for adoption by the
leading consumer e-mail clients.


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Thomas [mailto:m...@mtcc.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 2:54 AM
To: Sean Donelan
Cc: North American Operators' Group
Subject: Re: Is your ISP blocking outgoing port 25?


Better yet would be for the MUA to probe for the "best" configuration. 
Setting up mail is a royal PITA even if you know what you're doing. And a
near death 
experience if you don't.


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