On 1/12/25 09:25, Mark Tinka wrote:

This sounds like a Ciena-specific issue.

I have found the below on their knowledge portal:



We don't run Ciena, but I have reached out to a good mate at Ciena to see if he is aware about this and if their kit is implicated. I'll let you know when I hear back.

No feedback yet from my Ciena contact, but I finally got full access to those knowledge articles.

The 6500 issue appears to be an AOC cable length difference between M2M (mate-to-mate) ports. Ensuring the AOC cables are the same clears the LOA alarm.

On Waveserver, the issue appears to be a software defect that appears when certain ports are configured with both Ethernet and OTU4 profiles for 400G services. Resolution is based on recreating the client service or hard rebooting the line card. There is no mention of a software upgrade, but since the article is from 2023, I'd expect that should already have been done.

Both the 6500 and Waveserver have this issue only when 400G services are delivered.

The articles do point to "submarine" applications, but I'd ignore that since the equipment used for terrestrial and submarine is largely the same (very minor differences in the line cards).

Will ping if my Ciena contact reaches back.

Would be good to validate the above with your provider, and let us know please. Thanks.


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