On 12/23/2024 5:33 PM, Jean Franco wrote:
I'm trying to achieve total redundancy on a multihomed environment:

ISP 1 <=> Router 1 <= X => Router 2 <=> ISP 2
Where X is my Network.

The hardest part can be handling a failure of either of the routers and having X still be able to talk to the other in smaller networks. While VRRP, MC-LAG, and MPLS do exist, platform, vendor, and your requirements all make for a lot of fun. It's easy to accidentally make routers do things the vendor hadn't intended (What do you mean subscriber services aren't designed to work with mc-ae? Is that why dhcp sync only works with vrrp and mpls and not mc-ae with unnumbered interfaces?)

I'll try not to cover what others have said, but there are a few things to consider on dealing with your ISPs. They may run RPF filtering, so even if you don't want them to route traffic for a network to you, if you might send traffic from that network out, they'll need a route, so always send the aggregates to everyone you send outbound traffic to. If you have trouble getting a network added to a peer, you may have to not send any outbound their way.

Many ISPs run local prefs to prefer directly connected networks over more costly paths. This will override AS prepends. Some may let you change it with a community. Some will not. If you must force traffic, use a more specific route. Even if others filter it out, it should still get enough distance to force traffic the way you want. If your redundancy is slightly oversold and you need rough load balancing, more specific routes are the way to handle that, but try and minimize their use. We do have routing table bloat.


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