If I ever build the next house, I’ll ensure that Ethernet is installed just as 
extensively as electric wiring.

> On Dec 5, 2024, at 10:23, Tom Deligiannis <tom.deligian...@gmail.com> wrote:
> NDI or similar? I don't follow. Cable TV, Cable Internet and sat TV aren't 
> distributed (to homes) using NDI, they use coax.
> On Thu, Dec 5, 2024 at 1:37 AM Joly MacFie <j...@punkcast.com 
> <mailto:j...@punkcast.com>> wrote:
>> > How else would you distribute cable and sat tv?
>> NDI or similar
>> On Wed, Dec 4, 2024 at 1:15 PM Tom Deligiannis <tom.deligian...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:tom.deligian...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> How else would you distribute cable and sat tv? I would never buy a home or 
>>> build a home if there weren't hard wired services to the home. The last 
>>> thing I want to do is run all media streaming and internet surfing through 
>>> a wireless 5g connection.
>>> On Wed, Dec 4, 2024 at 8:13 AM Joly MacFie <j...@punkcast.com 
>>> <mailto:j...@punkcast.com>> wrote:
>>>> Excuse my ignorance, but why, in this day and age, coax?
>>>> Joly
>>>> On Wed, Dec 4, 2024 at 7:14 AM Justin Streiner <strein...@gmail.com 
>>>> <mailto:strein...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>> When we built our new house 3 years ago, I had the electrician pull Cat7 
>>>>> and coax to most of the rooms in the house, since it would be way easier 
>>>>> to do it before the drywall went up.  They initially resisted because 
>>>>> they had never worked with Cat7 before.  I struck a deal with them where 
>>>>> I bought the Cat7, they pulled it, and I terminated and tested it, and 
>>>>> they were OK with that.  Everything lands in the basement at our telco 
>>>>> demarc sits, and everything has been working perfectly since then.  The 
>>>>> rack where everything lands is also tied to the house ground.  I might 
>>>>> consider 5G as a backup to our terrestrial fiber option, but haven't gone 
>>>>> there yet.
>>>>> The local electric utility tests our UPSs for free roughly once a month ;)
>>>>> Thank you
>>>>> jms
>>>>> On Tue, Dec 3, 2024 at 11:53 AM Sean Donelan <s...@donelan.com 
>>>>> <mailto:s...@donelan.com>> wrote:
>>>>>> As some may remember from earlier this year, my friend was buying a new 
>>>>>> "semi-custom" home.  "Semi-custom" is a marketing term, meaning you get 
>>>>>> to 
>>>>>> choose (pay more) pre-determined builder options. It is not custom 
>>>>>> designed.
>>>>>> The home builder was not installing any wired broadband utilities in the 
>>>>>> new neighborhood.  No cable coax, no telephone DSL, no fiber optic. The 
>>>>>> only option was wireless, with a special deal with a specific 5G 
>>>>>> wireless 
>>>>>> cellular provider.
>>>>>> Originally, the builder's sales agent (i.e. the people working in the 
>>>>>> model home selling houses) said new homes didn't need (and would not 
>>>>>> have) 
>>>>>> a wired "demarc" location and no ethernet or coax outlets. Not my house, 
>>>>>> but I was surprised when I heard that. I like wired connections when 
>>>>>> possible for any fixed devices, and WiFi only for mobile devices.
>>>>>> I visited his new house over the Thanksgiving Holiday.
>>>>>> The sales agent was partially wrong and partially correct. Never believe 
>>>>>> the sales agent spiel.
>>>>>> The built house came with exactly FOUR wired ethernet outlets in the 
>>>>>> living room and each bedroom/office (x2 Cat6 jacks each outlet). But no 
>>>>>> wired DEMARC, no coax outlets, and no wired broadband utilities in the 
>>>>>> neighhood. The wired ethernet jacks were needed because the wireless 5G 
>>>>>> base station ended up in an upstairs bedroom window for signal strength 
>>>>>> reasons. The in-house wired ethernet was needed for a WiFi extender in 
>>>>>> the living room.
>>>>>> I wouldn't be happy, but it seems to work for his family. The 5G deal 
>>>>>> was 
>>>>>> cheaper than what he was paying at his old house.
>>>>>> According to the real estate realtor, not the builder's sales agent, 
>>>>>> broadband is now in the top three things home buyers want to know. Some 
>>>>>> states require the realtor MLS to disclose broadband access in the home 
>>>>>> listings. Broadband access disclosure not required in this state.
>>>> --
>>>> --------------------------------------
>>>> Joly MacFie  +12185659365 
>>>> --------------------------------------
>>>> -
>> --
>> --------------------------------------
>> Joly MacFie  +12185659365 
>> --------------------------------------
>> -

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