On Wed, Nov 20, 2024 at 7:28 AM Tom Beecher <beec...@beecher.cc> wrote:
>> What is, in your opinion, the perfect scenario by which the functions of the 
>> RIRs today could be structured?  The 'if I could greenfield this today' idea?
> I was not asking about updates to ICP-2. I was specifically asking for your 
> greenfield idea, in an attempt to work backwards and understand your concerns 
> and perspective.

Hi Tom,

Love the Amazon work-backwards technique but it's not always
instructive. My comments didn't and weren't intended to say much about
what I want the RIRs to change into. I think the RIRs should evolve
into what best serves their myriad communities. That's not something
that comes from a top-down vision, least of all mine. Instead, my
comments spoke to what I want the RIRs to NOT change into. The
perspective I'm coming from is this: what can go wrong, and how do we
head that off so it doesn't?

Does that answer the meta-question you wanted to explore?

Bill Herrin

William Herrin

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