Reading through that, there are some definitions I think could be done

In section 4.2 you have:
   In a direct relationship between two ASes the one receiving upstream
from the other. (See: [RFC9234], also known as the customer in a
customer-provider relationship.)
   In a direct relationship between two ASes the one providing upstream to
the other. (See: [RFC9234], also known as the provider in a
customer-provider relationship.)
 Providing Transit:
   Forwarding packets destined for addresses in an advertised prefix, while
advertising a full BGP table or default route to the neighbor.
 Providing Upstream:
   See: Providing Transit

Especially with the definition for "Upstream", it took me reading the whole
of the section to understand that you don't actually have a circular
definition there. If you change the definitions in the "Downstream" and
"Upstream" sections to refer to providing or receiving "transit" instead of
"upstream" I feel that it would read more clearly as well as pointing to a
term has its own definition without pointing to another term.


On Wed, 2 Oct 2024 at 14:26, Tobias Fiebig <> wrote:

> Moin,
> I have been working on a document listing terms & abbreviations used in
> the context of BGP/Global Routing Operations (leftovers from the cut-
> down of the attempts to update documents in BCP194):
> I just setup a web-form to collect further terms & abbreviations people
> would like to also see in the document; If you have a minute, it would
> be appreciated if you could scroll the document and drop a few lines on
> what you would like to see added
> (In case anyone is concerned: Responses will only be used to update the
> I-D, and not for any form of research. ;-))
> With best regards,
> Tobias
> P.S.: No, I will not open the box of defining what a Tier-1 is; That
> definition can stay in RFC7454, and I believe it is better not to touch
> that topic. ;-)
> --
> Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig
> T +31 616 80 98 99
> M

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