That will be an interesting read.

I recently read the book "Rogers v Rogers" that covers the major Rogers
Communications outage in Canada from a couple years ago.  The book is
mostly biographical, but it lays a good historical foundation for those

Anyone else have any good book recommendations?

Jared Mauch <> writes:

> Due to the scale of this I would expect an outage report to appear with the 
> FCC in the next year. 
> I do think this highlights the increased frequency and impact of these 
> outages. 
> Make sure you have backup plans for communications if one or more
> fails. While my personal impact was near nil many people use telemetry
> or navigation over cellular as a service and would have been
> impacted. If I was for example an uber driver impacted I may not be
> able to reach my destination, or I may not be able to summon one.
> As the market squeezes margins our tolerance for faults also
> narrows. We saw this with supply chains 2020-present and I expect the
> rate will increase vs decrease in the coming years where a disruption
> has unexpected impacts.
> Role play these outages and test them where possible. 
> - Jared 
> Sent via RFC1925 compliant device
>> On Oct 1, 2024, at 12:16 PM, Andy Ringsmuth <> wrote:
>> Now that this is behind us, I’m wondering if anyone has heard what actually 
>> happened.
>> Does Verizon do after-action reports that we could find?
>> ----
>> Andy Ringsmuth
>> 5609 Harding Drive
>> Lincoln, NE 68521-5831
>> (402) 202-1230

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