> On 22 Sep 2024, at 23:14, Christopher Morrow <morrowc.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 14, 2024 at 4:18 PM Lancheng via NANOG <nanog@nanog.org> wrote:
>> Hi Mike,
>>> Hurricane Electric now uses ASPA to do hop by hop checking of AS paths
>>> when deciding which routes to accept when building prefix filters.
>>> Here is an example of a route failing the ASPA check.
>>>,rejected,AS path 4635 9002 945 7480 38254 38254 38254
>>> 38254 38254 ASPA record exists for 7480 and 945 is not listed as a provider.
>>>,rejected,AS path 4635 9002 945 7480 ASPA record exists for
>>> 7480 and 945 is not listed as a provider.
>> Thank you for doing and sharing this work. I am interested in this 
>> ASPA-invalid example and have a few questions.
>> Q1: Has this example been sent to the network operator of AS 7480? A 
>> confirmation from 7480 would help us understand the reasons behind, e.g., a 
>> route leak or forgetting list 945 as a provider in the ASPA.
>> Q2: I would like to do some ASPA-based verification analysis as well. I do 
>> not operate a network or a router, so I need to download ASPA data from 
>> public sources by myself. Do you know where I can download ASPA objects and 
>> the payload?
>>> I'm sure Job will be able to give much better or more accurate guidance 
>>> regarding ASPA software, protocols, and terminology.
>> I copies this email to Job as well :-)
> (am not job, but)
> I'd expect that the ASPA objects are just part of the global RPKI,
> that if you run a (to quote job) rpki-client instance you
> can just have it download 'all the data' and then do whatever poking
> at it you want.

From rpki-client, if you grab the easily processable rpki-client.json one has 
the correct and valid view of that current snapshot of the RPKI. The other 
artefacts are not processes/validated.

Note that with http://www.rpkiviews.org we are collecting these in an archive 
for research purposes also allowing one to go 'back in time' to check if the 
state has changed since.


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