Hey Nanog,

We are a group of researchers from LAAS-CNRS and UCLouvain. We are
currently conducting a research study on inter-domain traffic engineering
practices and their impact on the internet.
We are reaching out to network operators to gather insights on practical
implementations of inter-domain traffic engineering. Specifically, we are
interested in understanding the timeframes and prefixes involved in traffic
engineering efforts. If you have conducted inter-domain traffic
engineering, could you kindly provide information about your traffic
engineering practices. You can do so via our survey form
Your participation would greatly contribute to our understanding of current
practices and trends in network traffic engineering. We assure you that any
information shared will be treated with strict confidentiality and used
solely for research purposes. Any findings that will be published will be

For any questions please let us know.

Best regards,

Omar Darwich, Kevin Vermeulen, Cristel Pelsser

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