What happened? ARIN insists on you signing away your rights to your PI legacy 
IPV4 space in order to get any allocation of IPV6 space. 


PI holders should get an automatic assignment of IPV6 space if they request it.


People don’t like being extorted.  Maybe if they stopped profiteering, people 
would be more receptive to IPV6. I know we would.


From: NANOG <nanog-bounces+nanog2=adns....@nanog.org> On Behalf Of Noah
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2024 14:27
To: Nanog News <n...@nanog.org>
Cc: nanog-annou...@nanog.org; NANOG mailing list <nanog@nanog.org>
Subject: Re: N92 Keynote: APNIC's Geoff Huston - "Whatever Happened to IPv6?" + 


Yes "whatever happened to IPv6"?


This should be an interesting Keynote and I cant wait?




On Thu, 15 Aug 2024, 22:14 Nanog News, <n...@nanog.org <mailto:n...@nanog.org> 
> wrote:

N92 Keynote: APNIC's Geoff Huston to Present "Whatever Happened to IPv6?"
Leading Researcher on IPv4 Exhaustion Will Shine a Light into a Very Dark Tunnel

"The mantra of 'transition to IPv6' has been with us for so long that it seems 
we are stuck rather than transitioning elsewhere," Huston said. 




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