It's me again. =) And I'm back with this year's "State of Network
Automation Survey."


*Please complete the survey: https://forms.gle/iS7RYY4uJUZGndeQA
<https://forms.gle/iS7RYY4uJUZGndeQA> *
Once again, I did my best to make it as short as possible while collecting
enough data to be useful.

This survey aims to get a rough outline of the state of network automation
around the world, across all kinds of networks. This is the second year of
this survey, and I plan to continue it into the future to provide trending
and additional analysis over time.

* The first, 2023 survey was announced in this NANOG 87 lightning talk:
* And I read out the results from that survey at NANOG 88 in Seattle:

A couple notes:
1 - I tried to keep the survey as similar as possible to last year, while
also incorporating as much feedback as possible. I hope I struck a good
balance of allowing both long-term trending, and short-term improvements.
2 - Some folks voiced concerns over using a Google form and requiring an
email address; after a bit of research, this still seems to be the best way
to get the best results from the widest possible audience under my
available time constraints. If you want to avoid the form, let me know and
I will email you the questions, and you can email back your answers.
3 - Some folks voiced concerns over including financial questions; after
speaking with a lot of our colleagues, I still believe that financial
information is one key metric that will help us understand the adoption of
automation - love it or hate it, money is a relevant metric. If you don't
want to answer these, or cannot answer them, feel free to check "I don't
know" and keep going.

If you are a member of another network engineering / network operations
community; please cross post this survey so that we can get the largest and
widest response possible!


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