The unfortunate reality is that copper last mole ILECs have a strong
economic incentive to *allow* things like copper cabinets to become
decrepit and degraded, because once they have successfully migrated the
final customers off copper in an area, they can abandon (and recycle) it.

The cost to fix something like what you've described is quite a lot for the
fully amortized truck roll and employee labor hours.

I would be shocked if it gets fixed proactively before it becomes a total
outage situation. Maybe if it gets obliterated by a car at 3 in the

You should see the scary photos of copper cross box cabinets that get
posted every day to low voltage tech and field tech oriented social media

On Sun, Aug 11, 2024, 1:44 PM Chris Boyd <> wrote:

> If anyone on the list knows how to get info to ATT local repair in Austin
> TX, specifically the Hickory CO, I’d appreciate you forwarding this info.
> All the repair pages want a local ATT number to report problems now, and
> I’m no longer an ATT customer.
> The copper cabinet on Monroe near Travis Heights boulevard is unlocked and
> open. The copper cabinet is next to a fiber node labeled XR0416.

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