Without much information, I think this is more likely that you are
running out of disk space.
On 2024-06-05 23:15, Javier Gutierrez wrote:
Hi everyone,
I've been trying to get Akvorado to work on my environmnet but I keep
getting the flows to stop collecting, it seems like the issue is related
to the number of exporters I have sending data, can someone please share
the max number they have gotten to work and the flows/s rate without the
system crashing?
Thanks in advance for your answers.
*From:* NANOG <nanog-bounces+gutierrezj=westmancom....@nanog.org> on
behalf of Steven Bakker <steven.bak...@ams-ix.net>
*Sent:* Sunday, March 31, 2024 4:53 AM
*To:* Peter Phaal <peter.ph...@gmail.com>
*Cc:* nanog@nanog.org <nanog@nanog.org>
*Subject:* Re: Open source Netflow analysis for monitoring AS-to-AS traffic
*CAUTION: *This email is from an external source. Do not click links or
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Hi Peter,
Thanks for that link. I did read the spec, and while the definition
itself is clear, the escape clause gives a lot of wiggle room:
"/Hardware limitations may// prevent an exact reporting of the
underlying frame length, but an agent should attempt to //be as accurate
as possible./"
I read that as, "the vendor will do whatever it pleases, and you should
be grateful to receive a non-negative integer at all." I could be too
cynical, though.
Anyway, this particular vendor does other funny things (such as
sometimes stripping the q-tag headers from the sampled frame; throttling
the frame sampling on the box, but not adjusting the sampling interval
in the sFlow exports) that make it a true joy to work with this gear. ;-)
-- Steven