The google incantation you're looking for is "task management software" or
"task management software for teams".

Commercial solutions are things like or asana.  There are lots
of alternatives here as well depending on your workflow and needed feature
set, and both open source and commercial solutions are available.

On Sun, Jun 2, 2024, 11:45 PM Saku Ytti <> wrote:

> This threat is interesting to me, but I'm surprised how no
> requirements or use-cases are mentioned.
> Like what is OP trying to do?
> Looking at some of the proposals, it's obvious some of them are
> intended for use cases where one side is an external party with email,
> and one side is an internal party with application. And this system
> would be obviously terribly for internal use, where teams ask each
> other to do things via the system.
> I find the customer facing ticketing system a far easier problem, than
> the internal one.
> For the internal one, my MVP requirements would be
>     - Everyone has their own ticket view, and see just tickets that
> are actionable to them, right now
>     - Tickets can have dependencies, maybe I've been assigned a
> ticket, and I figure out what I need to do, and what I need from
> others to do it, so I can create new tickets and have my ticket depend
> on them. This way I can get my ticket out of my view, until
> dependencies are solved, in which case I get it back
>     - Tickets could have parent and child, where parent automatically
> tracks progress through children, perhaps my parent ticket is 'enabled
> ISIS' and I have child ticket for each device.
>     - API for users, not just developers - I strongly believe the
> market has understood UX wrong, I believe WebUX is great for problems
> where users use the UX rarely, but CliUX actually is desirable by
> users and management for problems where users use the UX every day
> hours on end. The Cli/Curses UX is blazing fast and predictable
> layout, so after onboarding, users don't even look at the screen and
> are exceedingly efficient. When I check-in to a hotel, buy a SIM or
> rent a car, I often have to wait silently when the clerk spends
> literally 10min clicking and typing, on the most common use case they
> have. I don't expect market to ever agree, but at least if it has API,
> I can write my own CliUX to be fast on the couple things I need to do
> The commercial solutions I've used, Remedy and ServiceNow are
> absolutely horrible, and it shocks me this is the state of the art.
> Companies where those are used, you have to force employees to use
> them, and if you are senior enough that rules don't apply, you don't
> use it, because it's so bad UX. Both would basically require an
> internal team to develop them actively, at which point you might
> wonder, why didn't we just NIH this? But usually this internal team
> doesn't exist due to cost reasons, and the outcome is really poor and
> expensive.
> Someone is going to do what Slack did to chat, and make a ticketing
> system that people actually want to use rather than email, because
> they think it makes their work easier.
> --
>   ++ytti

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