Joel Jaeggli wrote:
> Steve Bertrand wrote:
>> Stephen Kratzer wrote:
>>> And, they have no plans to support IPv6.
>> Ouch!
>> I hope this is a non-starter for a lot of folks.
> read the rest of the thread...

...unfortunately, my message was sent out on the 11th, but just received
yesterday by the list.

I had both and Cc'd, so I don't know
which one failed.

I have problems sending to the NANOG list from my IPv6 server, so I'll
have to find out which destination list address is breaking for me...

Received: from unknown (HELO ?IPv6:2607:f118::5?)
( by 2607:f118::b6 with ESMTPA; 11 Jun
2009 14:39:10 -0000

Received: from ([2607:f118::b6]  by with smtp (Exim 4.68 (FreeBSD))    (envelope-from
<>) id 1MGhgj-0000qP-Cd for; Tue, 16 Jun
2009 23:03:33 +0000

Well, I'm glad I had nothing better to do today other than figure out
what is wrong with that particular email server ;)


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