On Mon, Apr 29, 2024 at 07:04:25AM -0700, Warren Kumari wrote:
> Michel's Banana Pi BPI-R3 suggestion seems intriguing — yes, it still
> suffers from the "Now I have another "machine" to manage and patch, and
> people will try and install iperf / a Quake server / nmap / ruby / 17
> different flavors of Emacs on it", but:
> 1: Perhaps I can mitigate that by making much of the filesystem read-only
> and
> 2: it's a great excuse to buy another toy!

Another option would be a RaPi Compute Module 4 with eMMC
onboard. (ie. the non-Lite version does not need a SDCard)
They have breakout boards for the Compute Module that have spots for

PiKVM does make the file system read-only, that you have to
temporarily disable to do updates, config changes, etc). Potentially, you could
copy what they do there. 

> I also like Jared and Andrew's freetserv /
> https://lathama.net/Tech/Hardware/USB-32COM-RM option. I might see about
> building a bunch of the freetserv boards and connecting them to a Banana
> Pi…. although, more realistically, I'll likely buy a few Banana Pi's, and
> add them to the ever expanding pile of backlog projects…

One suggestion for freetserv boards I have would be to get a board printer like 
to also do the assembly of the surface mount components. Last time I checked, 
only did one side, Not both sides.. Have them do the complex side. Pricing was
very reasonable. The back non-complex side wasn't that bad overall. 

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