Why reinvent new 4-digit codes to identify the type of service? Can't the existing ATIS service codes be used for this too?
-- Bryan Ward Lead Network Engineer Dartmouth College Network Services bryan.w...@dartmouth.edu<mailto:bryan.w...@dartmouth.edu> Scheduling a meeting? I prefer Zoom. From: NANOG <nanog-bounces+bryan.ward=dartmouth....@nanog.org> On Behalf Of Livingood, Jason via NANOG Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2024 9:08 AM To: Ben Cartwright-Cox via NANOG <nanog@nanog.org> Subject: Attn Access ISPs - FCC BB Labels (machine-readable standards) Yesterday the FCC broadband label order is in effect - so all ISPs need to publish them. Oct 10, 2024 is the deadline to produce machine-readable BB labels. I have kicked off an effort via the BITAG to standardize the format of these labels. See https://github.com/jlivingood/Broadband-Labels<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/github.com/jlivingood/Broadband-Labels__;!!CQl3mcHX2A!Dr0B3gDP9NIfNf0MyABywx6mZEw9GrCnzVeDimiePxdqABmuY84OHArWfU2UHwv9qZaR-SfNsMqXj958DZPJU2viccx-Calb$> for some initial ideas. If you'd like to participate - because you are an ISP publishing labels or an org/researcher that will be importing/consuming/comparing labels - you may wish to participate. There's no fee or docs to sign to do so, and your participation does noy convey endorsement of the final work product. IF INTERESTED - email me off-list and I will provide details. Thanks! Jason