Hi Gabriel,

for v6 you may find the following helpful:




On Thu, Mar 21, 2024 at 07:20:53PM +0000, Gabriel Terry wrote:
> All,
> I was researching BOGON prefixes and found a reference from IANA listing 
> special-purpose addresses, URLs listed below. Based on my understanding of 
> the list I think I should be able to block all of the entries from my 
> upstream peerings without affecting normal internet traffic. I assume that 
> there would only be special scenarios that the addresses listed in the 
> special-purpose entry would be used. I am interested to hear what others are 
> doing when it comes to blocking BOGON NLRI from their upstream BGP peerings. 
> If anyone has any insight into this please let me know your thoughts, I would 
> love to discuss more on the topic.
> URLs:
> https://www.iana.org/assignments/iana-ipv4-special-registry/iana-ipv4-special-registry.xhtml
> https://www.iana.org/assignments/iana-ipv6-special-registry/iana-ipv6-special-registry.xhtml
> Thanks,
> Gabriel L. Terry

Enno Rey

Cell: +49 173 6745902
Twitter: @Enno_Insinuator
IPv6 Blog: https://theinternetprotocolblog.wordpress.com

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