Thanks, already got confirmation there is an issue.

For all others chasing this, there is a routing issue between Arelion
and Claro. Claro is aware and working on the issue.

On Friday, 15/03/2024 at 17:02 Alessandro Martins wrote:

Hey there,

It seems like Claro's NOC phone number is all good in PeeringDB
Simply dial +552121212900, and a member of the NOC team will promptly
assist you.


Alessandro Martins

On Fri, Mar 15, 2024 at 5:17 PM Scott Q.  wrote:

Thanks, indeed Dany just got back to us via e-mail.

Are you sure the phone number is correct ? +55 is Brazil , 21 is Rio
but it's written 3 times in a row ( +5521212129004230100 ). In any
case, I tried calling the number and it gave an error.

On Friday, 15/03/2024 at 14:11 Pedro Prado wrote:

Hey Scott, I validated those to be correct. They said Dany is the
right contact. Did you try e-mailing him?


On 15 Mar 2024, at 15:45, Scott Q.  wrote:

Anyone knows a direct contact for Claro Brazil ?

The phone number for their NOC on PeeringDB doesn't work or make sense
and e-mails are ignored.

Thank you

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