While I'm still asking a builder in the USA about pre-wiring new
construction house ....
The EU has included in-building infrastructure and fiber ready
requirements in its new Gigabit Infrastructure act.
e) In-building physical infrastructure and fibre wiring, the “fibre-ready”
label and certification schemes
18. To ensure a swift deployment of VHCN,
allowing citizens to enjoy fast connectivity services, new and majorly
renovated buildings shall be pre-equipped with fibre and fibreready
infrastructure. In order to implement this provision, standards have to be
developed and adopted under Article 8(4). Member States shall ensure
compliance with this provision and must have procedures in place, to
verify whether the buildings are equipped according to these standards.
19. Applying the ‘fibre-ready’ label in Article 8(5) and (6) has become
optional for the Member States. The certification is not any more a
pre-requisite to issuing a building permit.