On Wed, Jan 31, 2024 at 5:56 PM, Owen DeLong <o...@delong.com> wrote:

> On Jan 31, 2024, at 13:46, Warren Kumari <war...@kumari.net> wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 31, 2024 at 3:56 PM, William Herrin <b...@herrin.us> wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 31, 2024 at 12:30 PM Warren Kumari <war...@kumari.net>
>> wrote:
>> So, let's say I'm announcing some address space (e.g, but
>> I'm only using part of it internally (e.g I've always
>> understood that it's best practice[0] to have a discard route (eg static to
>> null0/discard or similar[1]) for what I'm announcing.
>> Hi Warren,
>> Your router won't announce unless it knows a route to 192.0.
>> 2.0/24 or has been configured to aggregate any internal routes inside
>> to
> It that always true? I'd started off thinking that, but a friend of mine
> (yes, the same one that started this  argument) convinced me that
> some forms of BGP summarization/aggregation don't always generate a "local"
> route…
> It’s not ALWAYS true. For example, aggregate-address commands and
> equivalent on many platforms will cause the route to be announced if any
> component prefixes are present in the RIB on some platforms.
> There are also some cases where “auto-summary” (does anyone actually use
> this? EVER?) will have a similar effect.
> There are also some implementations where disabling synchronization or in
> many cases where synchronization has simply been deprecated by the
> implementor where any bap “network” statement (or equivalent) will result
> in announcement regardless of what’s in the RIB.
> I'd also thought that I'd seen this when redistributing an IGP into BGP,
> and using that as a contributor to 'aggregate-address' on Cisco devices.
> This is from a long time ago, and really hazy now, but I'd thought that any
> contributor would cause that the aggregate-address route to be announced,
> and a local hold down not to be created.  It's possible that a: I'm just
> wrong b: this is not longer true, c: both of the above.
> Redistributing an IGP into BGP is almost always a bad idea. However, that
> aside, yes, as mentioned above, exactly what you are saying here is true
> with or without the redistribution on most platforms IIRC.
> a: you are not wrong
> b: it’s still true on many platforms at least (though may be
> implementation dependent)
> c: no, but it’s certainly not best practice to behave in this way or
> depend on either of these behaviors for the other original reason you
> stated among other reasons.
> With BGP, you really want to have a deterministic clean definition of what
> your router will do. As a general rule, if your peer is reachable, you
> usually want to advertise your originated routes to them and make damn sure
> your router can reach those some how no matter what.

Yah, agreed…. This seems "obvious", but is there actually anything that
states this? I'm not really sure where I think that I'd find something
authoritative *to* state something.

Even though we claim to be network **engineers**, there isn't really very
much documentation of correct behavior — there are things like the MANRS
docs, and the short-lived BCOPS series, but much of the rest of the
understanding of what is appropriate / best practice seems to be
undocumented and passed on through cultural diffusion, pointing at some
NANOG post from 1998, or vague handwaving  towards the cymu secure IOS

I was initially excited by Tom's pointing at RFC4271, Sec 9.1.3, which
"A route SHALL NOT be installed in the Adj-Rib-Out unless the destination,
and NEXT_HOP described by this route, may be forwarded appropriately
by the Routing

This sounded perfect, and I could beat my friend around the head with
it… but reading further reveals:
"Route aggregation and information reduction techniques (see
Section may optionally be applied.

 Any local policy that results in routes being added to an Adj-RIB-Out
without also being added to the local BGP speaker's forwarding table is
outside the scope of this document."


> There are also some more inventive ways of getting routes into BGP, like
> using ExaBGP as an example.
> Sure, but using ExaBGP really amounts to originating the prefix from
> another router. This discussion was (at least theoretically) about local
> origination on the router in question.
> Owen
> W
> doesn't count; it needs to know a route to
>> Sending to discard guarantees that the router has a route
>> to
>> Historically, folks would put on the ethernet port. Then,
>> when carrier was lost on the ethernet port for a moment, the router would
>> no longer have a route to, so it'd withdraw the
>> announcement for This is a bad idea for obvious reasons,
>> so best practice was to put a low priority route to discard as a fall-back
>> if the ethernet port briefly lost carrier.
>> Regards,
>> Bill Herrin
>> --
>> William Herrin
>> b...@herrin.us
>> https://bill.herrin.us/

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