The Code Making Panels for the NFPA 70 National Electrical Code meet for the last couple of weeks (Jan 15-26, 2024).

One proposed change for 2026 is "Keeping the NEC Relevant - Is Now the Time to Modernize?"

It mostly just renumbers/reorganizes the NEC. Old time electricians will grumble because almost every code number changes.

However,the proposed change also takes data systems out of Chapter 7 - Special Conditions and seperate Chapter 8 - Communication Systems. Chapter 8 is currently a stand-alone section traditionally maintained by communication utilities.

In the U.S., for the last 40 years code enforcement officials mostly
ignored Chapter 8 and communication wiring installation practices. POE is changing that. Power of Ethernet has morphed data networks into integrated power, lighting, emergency, life-safety and communication systems.

It will be interesting to see how code enforcement officials reacts to moving the stand-alone communication wiring installation practices into the general enforcement part of the NEC.

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