Hi Nick,

Thanks for your remarks. It's actually an ongoing discussion.

Le 18/01/2024 à 18:24, Nick Hilliard a écrit :
two issues here: the smaller issue is that CDNs sometimes want their own routable IP address blocks, especially if they're connecting directly to the IXP, which usually means /24 in practice. It doesn't always happen, and sometimes the CDN is happy to use provider address space (i.e. IXP), or smaller address blocks. But it's something to note.

I'd rather have CDN use some of their anycast /24 to peer with the IX, with a back-end connectivity for their control-plane and back-feeding.

The bigger issue is: who pays the transit costs for the CDN's cache-fill requirements? CDNs typically won't pay for cache-fill for installations like this, and if one local ISP is pulling disproportionate quantities of data compared to other ISPs at the IXP, then this can cause problems unless there's an shared billing mechanism built in.

We're willing to provide a dedicated LAN, with routed access, to fill caches and administer the machines. It would be fully dissociated from the IXP though, unless we could find a way to make it work and as to meet extra requirements upon redundancy.

Best regards,

Jérôme Nicolle
+33 6 19 31 27 14

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