Thanks Sean!

Looks like over priced residential inner duct to me. Sheet rock
accomplishes pretty much the same thing. I want reliable home Internet too,
but it’s not a CO. I’d install a PVC sleeve on the OSP to ISP transition.
The risk of outage isn’t going to materially move one way or the other as
far as I can tell.



On Tue, Dec 5, 2023 at 21:28 Sean Donelan <> wrote:

> I should have known better, network engineers don't work on the physical
> infrastructure very much anymore - memories of sitting on concrete floors
> crimping cable ends in to many IXPs :-)
> If you never seen or installed ENT Electrical Nonmetallic Tubing
> Conduit, also known as "smurf tube" -- here is a new YouTube video of
> someone installing a smurf tube between an external DEMARC and internal
> distribution point for his fiber connection.
> In the U.S. - ENT is UL listed as electrical conduit and can be used in
> most residential (and some commercial) runs.  Commonly used for
> low-voltage and fiber runs in the US.  I'm not an expert on other
> countries wiring codes.
> ENT is not the same as in-rack wiring management products (i.e. the
> split-wall plastic wire holders).

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