
On Tue, 9 Jun 2009, Brian Raaen wrote:

> Our Company has been doing some testing with Linux Untangled servers. 
> JoeSox wrote:
> > I have a friend in a shop that is not running any robust Websense like
> > applications. They are looking for a freeware solution or possibly
> > inexpensive solution just for a few requests not for the entire
> > company.  I used one a while back but I since have lost the
> > information and that PC that I dropped the application on has since
> > been rebuilt.
> >
> > Does anyone have any recommendations that meet the following requirements:
> > 1) A Supervisor can navigate to a url to see end user's internet activity.
> > 2) Freeware or close to it

   Also take a look at NTOP.  Let's ya see all workstation and router 
traffic on your LAN and can be viewed with a browser pointed to port :3000

      --- Jay Nugent  

Train how you will Operate, and you will Operate how you were Trained.
| Jay Nugent    (734)484-5105    (734)649-0850/Cell       |
|   Nugent Telecommunications  []                            |
|   Internet Consulting/Linux SysAdmin/Engineering & Design/ISP Reseller |
| ISP Monitoring [] ISP & Modem Performance Monitoring |
| Web-Pegasus    [] Web Hosting/DNS Hosting/Shell Accts|
  2:01pm  up 2 days,  7:15,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.03, 0.00
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