He didn’t, I was just referencing Mimecast to indicate it was probably larger 
than Charter’s DNS.  Given the reports that someone else gave from Virustotal, 
it seems it’s more widespread than first reported.

Greg Dickinson, CCNA
Network Engineer


From: NANOG <nanog-bounces+greg.dickinson=bryantbank....@nanog.org> On Behalf 
Of Bryan Fields
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2023 2:51 PM
To: nanog@nanog.org
Subject: Re: Charter DNS servers returning invalid IP addresses

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On 10/25/23 2:41 PM, Greg Dickinson wrote:
> If it helps troubleshooting, when I click the domain in the email Mimecast
> tells me:
> “We checked the website you are trying to access for malicious and
> spear-phishing content and found it likely to be unsafe.”

I saw nothing referencing Mimecast in the original email. Where did you see 

 is not signed with DNSSEC. This is trivial to setup and might
prevent some of this.

Probably not a good idea for your customers to rely on $BIGCABLE DNS servers.
Bryan Fields

727-409-1194 - Voice

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