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According to: 

"The MX204 router supports two inline tunnels - one per PIC. To configure the 
tunnel interfaces, include the tunnel-services statement and an optional 
bandwidth of 1 Gbps through 200 Gbps at the \[edit chassis fpc fpc-slot pic 
number\] hierarchy level. If you do not specify the tunnel bandwidth then, the 
tunnel interface can have a maximum bandwidth of up to 200 Gbps."

If JTAC is saying it's no longer optional they need to update their docs.

AFAIK, tunnel services doesn't directly take bandwidth from physical ports, but 
it does take from the total available PFE bandwidth. Disabling a port may be 
required as the MX204 has a maximum PFE bandwidth of 400G and you can 
oversubscribe that with the fixed physical ports.

I just checked a production config as an example, note how et-0/0/3 is not 
configured so the total bandwidth adds up to 400g:

set chassis fpc 0 pic 0 tunnel-services bandwidth 20g
set chassis fpc 0 pic 0 port 0 speed 100g
set chassis fpc 0 pic 0 port 1 speed 100g
set chassis fpc 0 pic 0 port 2 speed 100g
set chassis fpc 0 pic 1 port 0 speed 10g
set chassis fpc 0 pic 1 port 1 speed 10g
set chassis fpc 0 pic 1 port 2 speed 10g
set chassis fpc 0 pic 1 port 3 speed 10g
set chassis fpc 0 pic 1 port 4 speed 10g
set chassis fpc 0 pic 1 port 5 speed 10g
set chassis fpc 0 pic 1 port 6 speed 10g
set chassis fpc 0 pic 1 port 7 speed 10g



\-------- Original Message --------
On Oct. 16, 2023, 12:49, Jeff Behrns via NANOG < nanog@nanog.org> wrote:

> JTAC says we must disable a physical port to allocate BW for tunnel-services. 
> Also leaving tunnel-services bandwidth unspecified is not possible on the 
> 204. I haven't independently tested / validated in lab yet, but this is what 
> they have told me. I advised JTAC to update the MX204 "port-checker" tool 
> with a tunnel-services knob to make this caveat more apparent.

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