On 10/4/23 12:14, Grant Taylor via NANOG wrote:
I was kinda surprised that none of my NOAA weather radios went off. I sorta assumed they'd be tied into the whole "national" alert setup.

That surprises me.

Did the newer alert not get bridged into the same system that NOAA radios use?

Is this by chance a Specific Area Message Encoding (S.A.M.E.) filtering / lack of data issue?

Can anyone corroborate NOAA weather radios not alerting?

I was told this was intentional, as the intent was to test IPAWS and associated technologies vs. the NPT chain.   I work at a few small radio stations, so this was most of my day.

The FCC is mandating (very shortly) that broadcasters start weighting the digital alerts over the messages received from other radio stations, which is an upgrade that's going to cost us a bit.


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