On 10/3/2023 3:48 PM, Christopher Morrow wrote:
those are a bit of a false equivalence... but... ok.
I think: "Oh look, more spam, delete"
is basically how this sort of problem (email from randos trying to
sell me ED pills or 10Gs) should be treated.
I don't know that it's helpful to keep re-litigating that end state :(

I'm sure telling dave shaeffer: "Hey, your sales droids are being
rude" is going to end as well as sending him ED pill emails.

On the other hand, it's actually nice knowing Cogent are up to their same old tricks, so that when they try to end-around me to get a sale done, I have plenty of ammunition at my disposal to shoot them down.

Much like your ED pill E-Mail analogy above (and I think you might have been able to pick a less explicit example, but hey, edgy humor amirite?) it should be pretty trivial for you to nuke this thread so it doesn't keep appearing at the top of your inbox.

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