Nick Hilliard wrote:
In this case, "Without buffer bloat" is an essential assumption.
I can see how this conclusion could potentially be reached in
specific styles of lab configs,
I'm not interested in how poorly you configure your
but the real world is more complicated and
And, this thread was initiated because of unreasonable
behavior apparently caused by stupid attempts for
automatic flow detection followed by policing.
That is the real world.
Moreover, it has been well known both in theory and
practice that flow driven architecture relying on
automatic detection of flows does not scale and is
no good, though MPLS relies on the broken flow
driven architecture.
> Generally in real world situations on the internet, packet reordering
> will happen if you use round robin, and this will impact performance
> for higher speed flows.
That is my point already stated by me. You don't have to repeat
it again.
> It's true that per-hash load
> balancing is a nuisance, but it works better in practice on larger
> heterogeneous networks than RR.
Here, you implicitly assume large number of slower speed flows
against your statement of "higher speed flows".
Masataka Ohta