I am reluctant to respond because it might end up sounding like an ad
for libreqos.io.

Leaving aside the tcp rtt tracking, the cake shaping, the mark and
drop statistics in that product, the (mostly wireless) ISPs we work
with typically have a dashboard of long term SNMP statistics of key
parameters like signal strength (RSSI), a heatmap of rtts to those
routers, and the upstreams, (smokeping cannot handle this kind of
density), a bandwidth tracker (usually on a 5 minute interval), a few
raspberry pi or equivalents at the towers doing active measurements on
demand, and a set of actionable items derived from that that the
support techs work off of.
Then there is a per customer screen that captures as much as possible
useful about the customer and every hop along the way.

There are a lot of pics of dashboards like this on the web, see
preseem, paraqum, and of course libreqos for examples. People use a
variety of backend products for it (grafina, redis, influx are

hope this helps.

On Wed, Aug 9, 2023 at 5:23 AM Steve Pointer <spoin...@humdai.net> wrote:
> Have you considered hosting a Ripe Anchor?
> https://atlas.ripe.net/anchors/about/
> Minimal cost, good of the Internet project, good insights, answers the use 
> case you describe.
> Steve P

Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxmoBr4cBKg
Dave Täht CSO, LibreQos

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