Ask them for an RFO report. They should be able to explain the diagnostics and 
reason for the original flapping. It's quite possible they found a problem 
somewhere on the path with a DWDM multiplexor or something. That wouldn't need 
any card replacement on your prem.

From: NANOG <> on behalf of Mike Hammett 
Sent: Tuesday, August 1, 2023 11:18 AM
To: NANOG <>
Subject: Flapping Transport

I have a wave transport vendor that suffered issues twice about ten days apart, 
causing my link to flap a bunch. I put in a ticket on the second set of 
occurrences. I was told that there was a card issue identified and would be 
notified when the replacement happened. Ticket closed.

Three weeks later, I opened a new ticket asking for the status. The new card 
arrived the next day, but since no more flaps were happening, the card would 
not be replaced. Ticket closed.

A) It doesn't seem like they actually did anything to fix the circuit.
B) They admitted a problem and sent a new card.
C) They later decided to not do anything.

Is that normal?
Is that acceptable?

To avoid issues flapping causes, I disabled that circuit until repaired, but it 
seems like they're not going to do anything and I only know that because I 

Mike Hammett
Intelligent Computing Solutions<>
Midwest Internet Exchange<>
The Brothers WISP<>

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