> On 9 Jun 2023, at 14:29, Masataka Ohta <mo...@necom830.hpcl.titech.ac.jp> 
> wrote:
> Robert Story wrote:
>> The commitment to maintain service for 1 year after the new LACNIC
>> addresses are switched in to the root.hints from IANA does not mean that
>> this is a cutoff date and that we intend to turn off service on the
>> older addresses after a year.  We currently have no plans to do so for
>> the foreseeable future. In fact, the possibility has not even been
>> suggested or discussed at all.
> Such total lack of advance and public discussion and preparation
> on a substantial change on critical infrastructure is a serious
> problem, I'm afraid.
> Masataka Ohta

I’m curious about what more discussion you want to happen than has
happen in the past. Over the last 20 years there have been lots of
address changes.  None of them have caused operational problems.
None required more that has already happened for this change.


4781.   [maint]         B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET is now [RT #45889]

4633.   [maint]         Updated AAAA (2001:500:200::b) for B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.

4490.   [maint]         Added AAAA (2001:500:12::d0d) for G.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.

4457.   [maint]         Added AAAA (2001:500:a8::e) for E.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.

4423.   [maint]         Added missing IPv6 address 2001:500:84::b for
                        B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. [RT #42898] 
4333.   [maint]         L.ROOT-SERVERS.NET is now and

4261.   [maint]         H.ROOT-SERVERS.NET is and 2001:500:1::53.
                        [RT #40556]

3794.   [maint]         Added AAAA for C.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.

3556.   [maint]         Added AAAA for D.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.

3441.   [maint]         D.ROOT-SERVERS.NET is now

2918.   [maint]         Add AAAA address for I.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.

2870.   [maint]         Add AAAA address for L.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.

2328.   [maint]         Add AAAA addresses for A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET,
                        F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET, H.ROOT-SERVERS.NET,
                        J.ROOT-SERVERS.NET, K.ROOT-SERVERS.NET and

2255.   [maint]         L.ROOT-SERVERS.NET is now

1567.   [maint]         B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET is now

1397.   [maint]         J.ROOT-SERVERS.NET is now
Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742              INTERNET: ma...@isc.org

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