On Fri, Jun 2, 2023 at 9:57 AM Jim <mysi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> A major concern would be if the IP address were eventually re-assigned to 
> something else that
> ended up reporting false answers due to a malicious or misconfigured DNS 
> service.

Hi Jim,

That's one reason I suggested intentionally making it a false
responder for the final year of its post-service hold. Return wildcard
A and AAAA records for all queries pointing to a web site which
responds to any URL with, "Hey buddy, your DNS software is so grossly
out of date that now it's broken and will stay broken until you fix

Anybody still sending queries after that gets what they get and
deserves it -- as long as the time that passes until the final year is
long enough that only the most reckless and incompetent users are
still sending queries.

Bill Herrin

William Herrin

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