Hi all.
The SAFNOG-8 Organizing Committee would like to welcome everyone to join
us in Lusaka, Zambia, 29th - 30th August, 2023.
The SAFNOG-8 Programme Committee (PC) are responsible for the
solicitation and selection of suitable presentation and tutorial content
for the SAFNOG-8 conference (https://safnog.org/).
We are now seeking nominations from the community to join the SAFNOG-8
PC to assist with the development of the programme for SAFNOG-8.
Eligible PC candidates must have attended recent SAFNOG events, have
broad technical knowledge of Internet operations, and have good
familiarity with the format of SAFNOG. Having constructive opinions and
ideas about how the programme content might be improved is of high value
too. PC members are expected to work actively to solicit content and
review submissions for technical merit. The PC meets by conference call,
weekly in frequency during the three months leading up to SAFNOG.
If you are interested in joining the PC and meet the above eligibility
criteria, please send a brief note to:
safnog-pc-chairs at lists.safnog.org
The note must include affiliation (if any) and a brief description about
why you would make a good addition to the PC.
The PC Chairs will accept nominations received by 1600hrs UTC+2 on
Friday 26th May, 2023, and will announce the new PC shortly thereafter.
Mark Tinka
For the SAFNOG-8 Organizing Committee