There is an inherent assumption here that the address space in question was
obtained after ARIN existed and that the space is covered by a signed
contract.  But since that isn't likely the situation at aptum, I'll agree
with your point.

I also could have sworn that ARIN used to have an option where you could
provide the data to ARIN but it wouldn't appear in the public rwhois data.
But for whatever reason I can't find any evidence of this, so it might just
be  faulty memory of the last 30 years of policy changes.

On Fri, May 5, 2023, 11:08 AM Blake Hudson <> wrote:

> On 5/4/2023 9:09 PM, Forrest Christian (List Account) wrote:
> I can't speak for aptum, but I'm curious as to why this is important to
> you?
> SWIP'ing or delegating address space is a requirement of the contract
> signed with ARIN when the addresses were granted. If you route a /24 to a
> customer and you are not keeping WHOIS updated, my understanding is that
> you are in violation of that agreement which might put your ability to use
> those addresses in the future in jeopardy.
> Registration
> ISPs are required to demonstrate efficient use of IP address space
> allocations by providing appropriate documentation, including but not
> limited to assignment histories, showing their efficient use.
> Reassignment and Reallocation Information
> Each IPv4 reassignment or reallocation containing a /29 or more addresses
> shall be registered via SWIP or a directory services system which meets the
> standards set forth in section 3.2.
> Reassignment registrations must include each customer name, except where
> specifically exempted by this policy. Reassignment registrations shall only
> include point of contact (POC) information if either: (1) requested by the
> customer; or (2) the reassigned block is intended to be routed and
> announced outside of the provider’s network.
> Reallocation registrations must contain the customer’s organization name
> and appropriate point of contact (POC) information.
> Reassignment Information
> Each static IPv6 reassignment or reallocation containing a /47 or more
> addresses, or subdelegation of any size that will be individually
> announced, shall be registered in the WHOIS directory via SWIP or a
> distributed service which meets the standards set forth in section 3.2.
> Reassignment and reallocation registrations shall include each client’s
> organizational information, except where specifically exempted by this
> policy.

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